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I'm Rebekah, a 21 year old girl who loves life in all its glory. I'm here to share my take of what it means to be alive and on the journey to finding your bliss. I hope that you find something that resonates with you and that you can take with you on your own journey.

My Story

I'm Rebekah and I'm a mother, entrepreneur, and student. I started BeccaAnneBlessed in 2022 after I had my daughter. It's a lifestyle blog about motherhood and entrepreneurship. I share my journey with motherhood and the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. I share helpful tips and advice on how to be a successful student. I want to inspire other mothers and females to go after their dreams and be the best version of themselves. I believe that you don't have to put your life on hold when you have children. You can still have a successful career and happy family if you work hard and are determined. You can be the best parent and have a fulfilling job. You can have both. I write about topics like pregnancy, postpartum, beauty, diet, self-care, and entrepreneurship. BeccaAnneBlessed’s mission is to inspire and empower women to live their best lives. Thank you for visiting!

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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